
Thursday, October 20, 2011

I just discovered...

A gorgeous blog. Of course, she's in sunny California. Of course.
Click on the image to take you to Vignette Design.

I was just enjoing the eye candy at the above blog and thought I'd add a few
 images I had stored in my picture album from the summer.

 John's pool

 Sunset behind birdbath
 John's bathroom!

It's my prayer that your Fall is not too chilly, like it is here! The look back at summer is bittersweet. I love the changing seasons. But, I miss good ol' summer when she passes.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Long Overdue...

It just doesn't seem right somehow that we had our first fire in the fireplace this weekend. At the end of Spring we are so glad to put away all the dust and debris from the fireplace. But, when Fall rolls around again it is new and exciting to have that First warm fire. And, the mess doesn't seem to be such a big deal. J and I are enjoying a warm Monday morning - the second fire of the season. And, I am going through pictures from...gasp...the summer. Enjoy.

We visited my family in Maggie Valley, North Carolina

 The Great Smoky Mountains

 Pioneer Village in Maggie Valley

 J's Great Aunt Cis

Guess who hidden behind his new book on the way home to KY

Feeding the ducks at Lake Junaluska, NC