
Thursday, January 15, 2009


Well, this is a first! Thanks Laura, for the tag! I was just wondering what to blog about, came to my list of friends and read Laura's blog and saw my name! So, thanks for the inspiration! So, I went to My Documents, the 6th folder in My Docs and the 6th picture. So, here goes...
I found this somewhere online and couldn't help but save it in My Docs. I didn't really have a good reason to post it on my blog, but why need a reason? God knows me well and knows that I need a nudge to be able to share my innermost self with others. I love to hear my dad's voice in the back of mind sometimes throughout the day. And, as he would say, "we learn something new each day." For me, that's true in many ways b/c I swear I don't know how to go through life without analyzing almost everything. (Poor Charley!) This entire quote hit me like a ton of bricks. But, the line with the most impact for me was..."Playing small doesn't serve the world."
So play it big today! Whatever "it" is for Y.O.U.!!!


Q, La, and Gooner said...

Nice post Jackie! I like the poem!

Lisa said...

Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing that and reminding us to put our best self & foot forward each day! :)